3-Minute OCD Test. Do I Have OCD?
Question 1/27
Do you ever experience thoughts that trigger feelings of anxiety?
Yes, infrequently
Yes, somewhat frequently
Yes, several times a day
Not often
Question 2/27
Do you encounter compulsions that feel difficult or even impossible to manage?
Yes, infrequently
Yes, several times a day
Yes, somewhat frequently
Not often
Question 3/27
Do you experience fear of microbes or concern about potentially spreading germs to others?
Yes, regularly
Not very often
Yes, but only when I or others are sick
Question 4/27
Are you anxious about the possibility of falling ill with serious conditions such as cancer or AIDS?
I rarely think about it
I worry about it often
It worries me sometimes
I think about it, but it's not a great concern
Question 5/27
What amount of time do you dedicate to personal hygiene or tidying up your environment?
Several hours a day
I rarely clean
A few hours a week
Not much, I only clean when necessary
Question 6/27
How regularly do you hit the shower or take a bath more than once in a day?
Pretty frequently
Almost never
Several times a week
Question 7/27
Do you often find yourself dealing with uninvited thoughts or vivid mental pictures related to violent actions or death?
Yes, infrequently
Not often
Yes, somewhat frequently
Yes, several times a day
Question 8/27
Are you frequently troubled by unsolicited thoughts or mental visuals that are sexually explicit or deeply upsetting to you personally?
Not often
Almost never
Yes, frequently
Yes, several times a day
Question 9/27
Do you worry about offending a deity or about performing blasphemous actions?
Yes, I think about it pretty often
It doesn't concern me
Yes, somewhat often
Question 10/27
How regularly do you turn to prayer in an effort to avert disastrous situations or to safeguard someone?
Every day
Almost never
Several times a week
Sometimes, especially in negative situations
Question 11/27
Do you often catch yourself reciting words, tallying numbers, or engaging in other recurring actions as a means to alleviate anxiety?
I don't do that
Yes, regularly
Yes, somewhat frequently
Question 12/27
Are there any actions you have to perform a certain number of times before you feel “right
Sometimes but not often
I don't feel this way
Yes, there are several actions I have to repeat
Yes, there is one action I have to repeat
Question 13/27
How much time do you devote to carrying out repetitive or ritualistic behaviors?
Several hours a day
Over one hour each week
Almost none
Less than an hour each week
Question 14/27
Do you find yourself constantly checking light switches, oven dials, or other objects?
Yes, I do this all the time
Yes, infrequently
Almost never
Yes, sometime several times for the same object
Question 15/27
Do you rewrite or re-read things multiple times?
Almost never
Yes, almost always
Yeah, it happens quite regularly
Yes, infrequently
Question 16/27
Do you experience a compulsion to arrange items in a specific manner?
I don't feel any pressure
Yes, I don't feel right unless I do
Yes, I like thinks neat and orderly
Yes, but I can work in a messy environment
Question 17/27
Do you feel the need for your clothing to be positioned in a specific way, like ensuring your socks are at an even height?
Only in certain situations
Yes, I adjust my clothes several times a day
Yes, but I can let it go
No, I don't care
Question 18/27
Have you ever felt a compulsive need to touch a person or object?
Yes, very often
No, almost never
Sometimes in certain situations
Question 19/27
Do you have concerns about potentially losing control and causing emotional harm to someone?
Yes, infrequently
Yes, several times a day
Yes, somewhat frequently
Not often
Question 20/27
Do you worry about losing control and physically harming someone?
Yes, infrequently
Yes, all the time
Almost never
Question 21/27
Are you afraid of being responsible for something terrible, like a fire?
Yes, I worry about it very often
I rarely think about it
It doesn't worry me
Yes, I worry about it sometimes
Question 22/27
Do you avoid colors, numbers, or names because they’re unlucky?
Of course I do
it doesn't concern me
Yes, I do this for several objects
Question 23/27
Do you avoid colors, numbers, or names that have associations with unpleasant thoughts or negative events?
Yes, I do this all the time
Not often
Yes, I do this for several objects
Question 24/27
Have you ever experienced a compulsion to make a confession or admission about something?
Yes, sometime daily
No newer, I don't think about it
Only after doing something wrong
Question 25/27
Do you frequently seek validation or reassurance in your professional life or personal relationships?
Yes, I do this all the time
No, never
Question 26/27
How many times do you need reassurance before you’re confident you’ve done something correctly?
At least once
It depends on the situation
Several times, sometimes back-to-back
I don't need reassurance
Question 27/27
Does a repetitive action or obsessive thinking affect your work, home life, or relationships?
No, it hasn't affected any of this things
No, but I worry it might
Yes, it regularly affects my life
Yes, it has affected me earlier

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