Do You Have Anxiety?
Question 1/30
How often do you worry about small things?
Never ever
Once in a blue moon
Not my thing
Maybe too much
All the darn time
Can't even remember a worry-free day
Question 2/30
Do you have trouble sleeping because your mind is racing?
Sleep like a baby
Rare occasions
Not so much
More than I'd like
Almost every night
Who needs sleep, right?
Question 3/30
Do you avoid places or things because they make you feel nervous?
If I could, I'd avoid everything
Absolutely, it's a big world after all
Quite often
Not really
Once or twice
Never, why would I?
Question 4/30
Do you feel uneasy in social situations?
Party animal, that's me
Only if it's a big crowd
Sometimes, depends
Kind of
Rather often, actually
I'm practically a hermit
Question 5/30
Do your hands get sweaty when you're stressed?
Dry as a desert
Not really
Maybe too much
Palms are basically a waterfall
Can I invest in hand towels?
Question 6/30
Do you feel your heart racing even when you're resting?
It's like a techno rave in there
Too often for my liking
Often enough
Not that I've noticed
Maybe after coffee
Can I invest in hand towels?
Question 7/30
Do you worry about the future a lot?
It's like a techno rave in there
Only before big events
Not a habit
Maybe too often
Future-gazing should be my job
It's basically my hobby
Question 8/30
Do you feel overwhelmed when things are out of order?
I need order, like, now!
Quite often
Maybe a bit too much
Not that much
Only if it's a big mess
It's basically my hobby
Question 9/30
Do you avoid situations that might lead to conflict?
I need order, like, now!
Only if it's serious
Not really
Maybe more than I should
World peace, please
Question 10/30
Are you always worried about making mistakes?
Nope, learning opportunities
Not really
A bit more often than I'd like
Too often
Is there a way to be perfect?
Question 11/30
Do you frequently experience bouts of fear for no clear reason?
Fearless, that's me
Rare occasions
Not really
More than I'd like
Quite often
It's like a horror movie in my mind
Question 12/30
Do you get easily irritated or agitated?
It's like a bee in my bonnet
Practically my default mode
More often than I'd like
Not that much
Only on bad days
Cool as a cucumber
Question 13/30
Are you worried that something bad will happen if things aren't done a certain way?
I go with the flow
Not a habit
Kind of a lot
My life needs to be a well-rehearsed play
Question 14/30
Do you find it hard to focus on tasks because of worry?
Is there another way to live?
Often enough
Not really
Only when it's a big task
Sharp as a hawk
Question 15/30
Do you get startled easily?
Startled? What's that?
Only by horror movies
Not that much
More often than not
Almost all the time
I practically live on the edge
Question 16/30
Are you afraid of being in large crowds?
Love the buzz
Only if it's a huge crowd
More often than not
Quite often
I prefer the company of goldfish
Question 17/30
Do you feel nervous when you have to do something while being observed?
Can everyone just not look at me?
Quite often
More often than not
Not really
Born for the stage
Born for the stage
Question 18/30
Are you afraid of traveling alone?
Solo adventurer, that's me
Only in unfamiliar places
Not so much
Maybe a bit too much
I prefer not to
Home sweet home
Question 19/30
Do you worry about losing control of your feelings or actions?
Cool as a cucumber
Maybe more than I should
Maybe more than I should
Not that much
Emotional rollercoaster, that's me
Question 20/30
Are you always afraid of the worst happening?
Optimistic, that's me
Only when I'm stressed
Not really
More often than not
Question 21/30
Do you often feel restless as if you need to be constantly active?
Chill as a sloth
Chill as a sloth
Not really
Maybe more than I should
Quite a lot
I'm practically a hummingbird
Question 22/30
Are you afraid of meeting new people?
Can I just talk to my pet?
More often than not
Not really
Only if they seem intimidating
Social butterfly here
Question 23/30
Do you constantly worry about your health?
Fit as a fiddle
Only when I'm sick
Not so much
Maybe more than I should
I should buy a medical dictionary
WebMD is my best friend
Question 24/30
Are you easily tired?
Energizer bunny here
Only after a long day
Not so much
Maybe more than I should
Can I nap now?
Question 25/30
Do you avoid taking on responsibilities due to fear of failure?
Can I just be a backup?
Quite often
Maybe a bit too much
Not so much
Only if it's a big task
Born leader
Question 26/30
Do you often replay embarrassing moments in your head?
Water off a duck's back
Only if it's really embarrassing
Not that much
Maybe a bit too much
All the time
My life is a blooper reel
Question 27/30
Are you often self-conscious?
Is there a way to be invisible?
Quite often
Maybe a bit too much
Not really
Only in front of a crowd
Confident as a cat
Question 28/30
Do you find it difficult to swallow when you're anxious?
Never a problem
Never a problem
Not so much
Maybe a bit too much
Is there a drink around?
Question 29/30
Are you scared of criticism?
Can we all just be nice?
Quite often
Maybe a bit too much
Not really
Only if it's harsh
Bring it on
Question 30/30
Do you have frequent digestive issues without a clear physical cause?
Stomach of steel
Only when I eat spicy food
Not really
More often than I'd like
Quite often
I need a personal dietician

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